Proxima is one of the newest developments in Waterlooville consisting 13 industrial warehouses, Phase 1 units range from 3,000SQ FT – 20,000 SQ FT giving a total of 475,000 SQ FT.
The client required unique requirement whereby each unit required individual protection and control of the system with a brigade panel being located at the front entrance that would direct them to the correct units which was why they turned to Nexus Fire and Security.
Chris Bray, Director of Nexus Fire and Security comments:
This development had some specific requirements which on the surface seemed straight forward however it did need some thought in order to fully comply with the standards. It was not just as simple as putting one addressable system in throughout the entire site with repeater panels in each unit because the standards state that the system should not be able to be reset from any other building (especially as it would mean different companies in different buildings would be able to do this). Also the common areas on the main site were not manned which meant that nobody would be taking responsibility of resetting the brigades common panel.
The solution to this was to install separate 1 loop addressable panels in each of the units and a 1 loop addressable panel located at the entrance to the site for the brigade. Each of the individual units would be connected to the master panel by input / output units. The master panel was then set up as non-latching. The master panel would then send an output to all the other units (again these would be programmed as non-latching on the various units panels).
This meant that if any one of the units activated this would trigger the master panel giving a text description as to which building activated the system (for the brigades information) whilst also simultaneously putting a notification on each of the other units panels to inform them that an alarm had activated.
Each unit could then silence their own panels only but without affecting the other units systems. Should the panel that activated the system be reset this would then automatically reset the master panel and in turn would automatically reset the other units panels.
The Client was more than happy with the final design / installation which meet all their objectives.
“This development had some specific requirements which on the surface seemed straight forward however it did need some thought in order to fully comply with the standards”
- Chris Bray, Director at Nexus Fire and Security